Effective Time Management at Work - Difficult, yet Possible!

The day was bright, the weather refreshing and I could hear birds chirping the most melodious tunes, yet it all seemed to make no impact on my mood. The mere thought of that heap of workload waiting to welcome me at the office was enough to upset me. On my way to office, I kept thinking about how I would go on completing the pending tasks and what if there came some urgent project. The way to my workplace seemed to have shrunk. I kept praying to God for some divine help that could share my workload. . .

Does this story sound familiar to you? Can you relate yourself to it?

Each one of us dreads the workload at office. Even before we arrive at our workplaces, we are already well-aware of the tasks waiting for us there. Time management seems the most difficult of all tasks at office; however, it is not as difficult as it sounds. With a focused mind and a few tips, we can learn to finish all our work in due time and meet deadlines.

Here are few tips that can help us manage our time at work effectively:

  • We take the first 20-30 minutes every day to plan our tasks. This way it would be easier to make out the most important tasks of the day.
  • We make an effort to block distractions at the workplace. Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter that consume most of our time be strictly avoided. Also, we try to restrict the use of mobile phones to highly important situations only.
  • When we are making a priority list to manage our tasks, we try to finish the easy tasks first. This way, it would be easier for us to do the easier ones while priming ourselves for the more challenging and time consuming tasks.
  • One of the best ways to manage time is to gauge the speed at which we can get over a certain task and then set a time deadline for ourselves to complete it. When we allocate time for various activities, we can challenge ourselves to achieve those within the specified duration.
  • It is also imperative to organize e-mails and other work resources properly so we can access them whenever needed. You have noticed that a lot of time at workplace is spent on finding a certain e-mail or an important document only because it is not placed properly.

Through these simple tips, we can manage our time effectively, improve productivity and avoid the fright of going to work every morning.

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